machine translation
Sports activities include competitive sports such as baseball and soccer, as well as exercise such as running, gymnastics and stretching, recreational walking, and consciously walking up the stairs instead of using the elevator on the way to work. .
Please see the link below for details of the projects by the Tokyo Marathon Foundation.
Please see the link below for details of the project by the GRAND CYCLE TOKYO Executive Committee.
For more information on the Tokyo Metropolitan Sport Foundation's projects, please see the link below.
For details of the co-sponsored project with the Tokyo Metropolitan Sports and Culture Corporation, please see the link below.
Please see the link below for details of the project by the Tokyo Sports Association for the Disabled.
Please see the link below for more information on the activities of the Health and Medical Services Bureau.
This business continues to be disclosed as an effort so far.Please note that the posted content will not be updated.
For more information on projects run by the Tokyo Metropolitan Sports Association, please see the link below.
This business continues to be disclosed as an effort so far.Please note that the posted content will not be updated.
For details of the co-sponsored project with the Tokyo Metropolitan Sports and Culture Corporation, please see the link below.
Please see the link below for details of the project by the Tokyo Sports Association for the Disabled.