Metropolitan sports facility

2024/ 11/ 29

東京武道館 東京体育館  東京アクアティクスセンター 夢の島公園アーチェリー場 カヌー・スラロームセンター 若洲海浜公園ヨット訓練所 有明テニスの森公園テニス施設 有明アリーナ ライブドア アーバンスポーツパーク 海の森水上競技場 大井ふ頭中央海浜公園ホッケー競技場 味の素スタジアム 武蔵野の森総合スポーツプラザ 東京都パラスポーツトレーニングセンター 東京都多摩障害者スポーツセンター 駒沢オリンピック
公園総合運動場 東京都障害者総合スポーツセンター

Tokyo Tatsumi Ice Arena (tentative name)

(Scheduled to open around fall 7)

Tokyo Metropolitan Sports Facility Guidebook “18 FACILITIES”

The Tokyo Metropolitan Sports Facilities Guidebook ``18FACILITIES'' is aimed at disseminating the appeal of metropolitan sports facilities, improving the recognition, name recognition, and brand power of the facilities, and promoting various uses such as attracting international competitions and using unique venues. ” was created.Please take a look!

“18 FACILITIES” Tokyo Metropolitan Sports Facility Guidebook

Please also refer to this page for details on how each facility is used.

Features of the guidebook

① Many photos of each facility are posted to give you an idea of ​​how to use each facility.
② After condensing the main facility information, each item is linked to the facility's homepage so that you can quickly check the details.

Features of the guidebook

Related topics

Contact information regarding metropolitan sports facilities

Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Lifestyle Culture and Sports Bureau, Sports Facilities Department, Management Planning Division, Responsible Persons
Telephone 03-5388-2179

Contact information regarding the Tokyo Metropolitan Sports Facility Guidebook “18 FACILITIES”

Strategic Utilization, Corporate Planning Division, Sports Facilities Department, Lifestyle Culture and Sports Bureau, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Telephone 03-5000-7444