Promotion of understanding and popularization of para sports

Click here to search for other para sports events (TOKYO Para Sports Navi, a portal site specializing in para sports)

Banner image: TOKYO Disability Sports Navi

This is a portal site that provides a variety of information about sports for people with disabilities, such as barrier-free information on public sports facilities, information on sports classes held, and local sports clubs and circles.
For details

Charespo! TOKYO

Charespo! TOKYO

The aim is to make people with and without disabilities aware of parasports and deepen their understanding and empathy, as well as to make people with disabilities aware of the fun and benefits of sports, and to provide them with an opportunity to start playing sports. We hold participatory sports events that everyone can enjoy.

Para sports viewing promotion project “TEAM BEYOND”


``TEAM BEYOND'' is a Tokyo project to increase the number of people who support parasports.
We communicate the appeal of para sports from a variety of perspectives, so that all members, including those who play sports, those who watch them, and those who support them, work together as one team to enliven para sports.

Awareness survey regarding sports activities for people with disabilities in Tokyo

We understand the awareness and actual situation regarding sports activities for people with disabilities, and use this information as material for consideration in expanding and reviewing parasports measures.