Development and maintenance of parasports venues

2024/ 3/ 21

Parasports regional support project

The Tokyo Disabled Sports Association, a public interest incorporated association that has know-how in para-sports projects, supports municipalities in planning and implementing para-sports projects, allowing people with disabilities to become familiar with sports in their local communities. We will create an environment.

For details on the project and contact information, please see the leaflet posted on the Tokyo Sports Association for the Disabled website →

Sports production manual for people with disabilities (collection of examples of sports initiatives for people with disabilities)

This is a collection of case studies that collect reference information when planning and implementing parasports projects in the region. If you are thinking of planning a parasports project for the first time, or if you are thinking of further developing and expanding your existing efforts, please take a look.

Cover (table), table of contents, introduction...1
Q&A you want to know (index by question type) …2~3
Local voices…4
Initiative examples…5-72
An example of a participant recruitment flyer…73
Regarding the sports introduced in the case studies...74-75
Sports Q&A for people with disabilities…76-77
Introduction to the regional development promotion project for sports for people with disabilities…78
Cover (back)…79-80

Para sports concierge business

In order to create an environment where it is easy for companies and organizations to support parasports, we have established a consultation desk, loaned parasports equipment, and introduced examples of initiatives by companies and organizations to promote parasports.

Working-level meeting to improve the environment for parasports

In order to improve the sports environment for people with disabilities in local areas, we will establish a meeting of related organizations and consider comprehensive and cross-sectional measures.

Metropolitan Special Needs School Utilization Promotion Project

In order to allow people with disabilities and sports organizations for people with disabilities to participate in sports activities in their immediate surroundings, the physical education facilities of metropolitan special needs schools will be open on weekday nights, weekends, and holidays to the extent that it does not interfere with school educational activities. We will continue to promote its use.
In addition, we position Tokyo's special needs schools as one of our parasports bases, and hold hands-on sports and recreation classes that children, students, and local residents can participate in.
For details

Project to promote the use of sports facilities for people with disabilities

Manual for promoting the use of sports facilities for people with disabilities

In order to enable people with disabilities to enjoy sports in their local areas, we will disseminate the ``Manual for Promoting the Use of Sports Facilities for People with Disabilities'' (revised in XNUMX, hereinafter referred to as the ``Manual''), and promote the use of sports facilities for people with disabilities. We support improvement efforts to promote usage.

Parasports remote participation project

Utilizing digital technology, people with severe disabilities can participate in various sports activities such as "doing, watching, and supporting" remotely while staying in welfare facilities at parasports experience classes and events sponsored by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. provide an opportunity.

Para sports (e-para sports) business using digital technology

People with disabilities can operate and participate by themselves!Join the fun and expand your circle of exchange! e para sports

Even if some people with disabilities have the desire to move their bodies, they are unable to do so as they would like due to various factors such as the level of their disability and their environment.In this project, controllers that have been processed and developed so that they can be operated by people with disabilities will be loaned to facilities, giving them the opportunity to enjoy sports in an environment tailored to them.

>>About Tokyo's parasports measures